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Decorative symmetry for the Paris 2024 Olympics

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games promise to blend the worlds of sports and artistry, and this dedication to elegance and precision is reflected in the design of its pictograms. Among the myriad of sports gracing this grand occasion, equestrian sports hold a place of unique significance. With its deep-rooted tradition and unwavering demand for precision, equestrian events will unfold against the stunning backdrop of Versailles, a venue that perfectly mirrors the grace and grandeur inherent to this discipline. The symmetry of the pictograms matches the architectural splendor of the Versailles arena, creating a harmonious visual connection between the design and the fantastic setting where equestrian sports will captivate audiences.


The design of the Paris 2024 pictograms draws its inspiration directly from the essence of each sport. In the realm of equestrian sports, the pictograms share a striking visual resemblance, making it initially challenging to distinguish between the individual disciplines—dressage, show jumping, and eventing. A closer examination, however, unveils the subtle nuances that set each apart. At first glance, all one sees are the four horse heads that elegantly frame the pictogram, making it instantly recognizable as an equestrian theme for those not intimately familiar with the sport. For enthusiasts, it may appear a little bit simplistic, lacking the depth needed to truly capture the essence of each discipline.

Equestrian Eventing

Equestrian Eventing

Equestrian Dressage

Equestrian Dressage

Equestrian Jumping

Equestrian Jumping


The overall design approach takes a playful stance, embracing the challenge of creating as symmetrical a pictogram as possible. While these designs may not be described as brilliant, they undeniably exude a sense of fun and decorative charm that captures the spirit of the Games, especially when animated. This animated dimension is something that modern design allows and leverages to engage and entertain audiences.

A pictogram, often referred to as a pictograph or pictorial symbol, is a graphic representation of an object, concept, or idea using simple and easily recognizable symbols or icons. These symbols are designed to convey information quickly and efficiently, transcending language barriers. Pictograms are widely used across various fields, from transportation and signage to user interfaces and communication materials.

Pictograms serve several important functions:

  1. Universal communication: Pictograms are universally understood because they rely on simple, intuitive images. They can convey information to people from different cultures and backgrounds without the need for language translation.

  2. Clarity and simplicity: Pictograms simplify complex ideas or instructions into easily digestible visual representations. This clarity reduces the risk of miscommunication or misunderstanding.

  3. Quick comprehension: Pictograms are ideal for conveying information rapidly. People can grasp the intended message almost instantaneously, making them particularly useful in emergency situations.

  4. Enhanced wayfinding: In transportation and urban planning, pictograms are used on road signs, maps, and public transportation systems to guide individuals, helping them navigate and find their way effectively.

  5. Accessibility: Pictograms are valuable for individuals with limited literacy skills or disabilities. They provide an alternative means of conveying information beyond text.

  6. Branding and identity: Pictograms can also be used as part of branding and corporate identity. Recognizable symbols or logos can become powerful brand assets.

However, from a strictly professional standpoint, it’s evident that these pictograms may lack the simplicity and depth required for complete clarity. They strike a balance between accessibility and artistry, focusing more on the decorative aspect. Despite their intricacies, they manage to capture the essence of equestrian sports, serving as vibrant and dynamic representations of the various disciplines within the grand spectacle that is the Paris 2024 Olympics.

More about the design principles of Paris 2024:
